Cerdded Adre: The Long Walk Home
October 2007
Performance Lecture Tour
London, Reading, Cheltenham, Cardiff, Swansea, Felinwynt
Cerdded Adre was a solo performance lecture reflecting on work that I had created whilst studying for an MA in Performance Making. The work interrogated theoretical understandings of post-colonialism, identity and performance with my own personal experience as the child of incomers to Wales and my relationship to cymreictod/welshness and other identities within the British Isles. The work consisted of a live art triptych, Y Goron Dryphlyg /The Triple Crown, juxtaposing folk songs with experimental film, ritual action and stand-up comedy. The lecture was performed at South Hill Park Arts Centre, Meantime Art Space, Chapter Arts Centre and Swansea University during Sept-Nov 2007 as I journeyed home to Wales from London, apparently on foot. I was inspired to make this journey by the poet and stonemason Iolo Morgannwg who walked everywhere. In fact I didn’t walk I mostly got the bus - I was carrying too many bags.
Images by Sarah B, Meantime Artspace, Cheltenham
Performance Review: http://experimentica07.blogspot.com/2007/10/experimentica-day-5-autenticity.html
Unawd oedd Cerdded Adre cafodd ei gyflwyno tra bod fi'n cerdded adre o Lundain i Felinwynt, Gorllewin Cymru ar ôl astudio ar gyfer MA Creu Perfformiadau yng Ngholeg Goldsmiths, sefydliad elitaidd metropolitan. Roedd y gwaith yn dilyn canlyn yr ysgolhaig a hynafiaethydd Iolo Morgannwg ac yn ymchwiliad o ddelweddau hunaniaeth Brydeinig, Cymreictod a di-gymreictod, gwledigrwydd, diwylliant a pherfformio. Nod y gwaith oedd aroleuo cymhlethdod hunaniaeth tu fewn Prydain sy'n datganoli. Dyfod y gwyliwr o'r môr, i gae, i fan sefydliadol metropolitanaidd, trwy ganeuon traddodiadol ynglŷn â brenhiniaeth, alltudiaeth a haenau cymdeithas.